In his daily life Yutaka Takahashi is a firefighter and rescuer. In a certain way, looking at his photography presented in Neko Project provides a feeling of being safe and protected. Yutaka Takahashi succeeds to capture the vulnerability of life and the necessary truth to be aware of this fragility in life today.
Even if the cats he photographs are stray cats, Yutaka Takahashi treats them, as they are part of his family. He tries to be more human than the average and save those cats by showing them love and feeding them. It is astonishing to experience then that doing this is indeed a gift. Yutaka Takahashi adds with smile:
« It is happiness to live with cats; they warm the heart (sometimes make insomniacs but ….). We live very happy and there is no discrimination ».
Yutaka Takahashi is also more than a cat photographer and a firefighter. Even if he sees himself as an « occasional » photographer, he proves that he could be part of a full and successful photography projects and we discover thanks to Neko Project that Yutaka Takahashi is a fabulous photographer of mantis … He just give us the desire to say why not a Mantis Project? … Before that (:-) we wish to show soon his photos of Mantis. To be continued…
To discover his mantis photography :
© Yutaka Takahashi